How It Works

How does Poetry Out Loud work in New Jersey?

The program’s curriculum and qualifying Community Level competition can be organized and led by:

  • Educators/Administrators

  • Teaching Artists

  • Parent/Caregiver

  • Community Leaders

Registered participants must implement the NJPOL program between the months of September – early January in any classroom, club, after-school program, or community organization.

Participants will be able to access:

  • Free multimedia toolkits, which include a teacher's guide complete with lesson plans, support materials, and more

  • Free, flexible curriculum plan

  • Updates and support from the NJPOL Coordinator and their prospective regional partner throughout the year.

Participant leads plan to host their competition by early January. Contests must include:

  • A minimum of two students

  • Contest judges

  • Each participating organization selects one winner to attend a regional contest

Anyone registering for NJPOL will receive book(s) of poetry from our partner CavanKerry Press.